Blog Post

Chasing Perfection Has Been Paralyzing Me

We’re constantly in motion, adapting to the ebb and flow of all different areas in life. For those of us whose minds hum with creativity, this dynamic dance is simply par for the course. Maybe it’s the ever-present whirl of ideas bouncing around in our heads, or the thrill of diving headfirst into uncharted waters while problem-solving with clients. Whatever the driving force may be, it often ignites a spark of excitement, occasionally followed by a daunting sense of uncertainty. Yet, just as quickly as we feel caught in the web of indecision, a fresh idea pops up, nudging us to shift our focus once more.

Recently, I found myself wandering the aisles of a store that serves as a hub for creatives. The folks behind the counter aren’t just employees; they’re fellow creatives, each nurturing a side passion alongside their day-to-day responsibilities—be it art, music, design, or photography. Amidst a casual conversation with one of them, they unveiled their side-hustle to me, brimming with excitement for their passion. Much of their work found its home on social media, so naturally, I asked for a glimpse. What struck me wasn’t just the size of their following (and quite frankly it was a large following) or the level of engagement, but also the raw authenticity woven into their creations—a willingness to share despite imperfections. It dawned on me: this person infused who they are into their work, relinquishing the relentless pursuit of perfect in favor of connection, authenticity and consistency. And remarkably, it was paying off. Each post resonated deeply with their audience, moving the needle in their side-hustle one heartfelt connection at a time.

It was a moment of revelation—a stark realization of my own relentless pursuit of perfection, blinding me to the abundant opportunities for growth and connection that lay before me. I had convinced myself that unless every endeavor was flawlessly executed, meticulously perfect, I’d risk tarnishing my credibility. But in truth, it’s the imperfections, the mistakes, that serve as reminders of our shared humanity. They’re a testament to the fact that perfection is but a mirage—a fleeting ideal that crumbles upon closer inspection. So, my next shift isn’t to strive for flawlessness but rather to embrace the journey with consistency, authenticity, and a genuine desire to forge meaningful connections in all my relationships.

Someone once told me that the one thing I am consistent at is changing things. I can’t help myself, I want to reinvent everything.  For a long time, I thought that was a weakness, but I have come to realize that it is WHO I AM.  So, I am embracing it. That said, we’re continuing to do things differently here at Keenly.

In this next season we’re going be more proactive in sharing what we’re learning, current projects, stories that need to be told, and new ideas we’re dreaming about, even if it’s not perfect. We are aiming for consistency but above all, authenticity and helpfulness.

We’d love to hear from you about the challenges you face in your business. Is it communication, organization, mission, and vision? We want to know! How do you show up in your business? What strategies work well for you, and what doesn’t? We’re all in this together, so why not spur each other on? Your insights and experiences could be the spark that propels someone else forward on their journey. Let’s navigate this terrain together, embracing imperfection and celebrating growth along the way.

– Jason