How to Communicate Without Using Insider Language

In college, I worked for an engineering company that tested construction foundations and materials. I tested materials like soils, concrete, and asphalt. I spent years in the field collecting samples and running tests, as well as testing samples in the lab under controlled conditions. It would not be uncommon for a conversation at the lab…

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4 Key Insights for Evaluating and Improving Your Ministryā€™s Branding

Weā€™re often asked to provide feedback on ministry brandingā€”sometimes itā€™s after a campaign has been launched, other times itā€™s during a broader organizational evaluation. Regardless of when it happens, the process of analyzing branding almost always reveals areas for growth and improvement. If youā€™re in a season of evaluating your ministryā€™s branding or communication, I…

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Do Brands Matter in Church? How to avoid the bait and switch.

Iā€™ll admit it right now: I was the guy on the church staff who always wanted everything to have the cool ā€œyouth groupā€ name. Usually, that name involved some fire, water, or out-of-context Greek word. I always felt the name didnā€™t matter in the long run; kids would come to youth group, and adults would…

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How Do I Connect Our Mission to Our Church Website?

A church’s online presence plays a crucial role in reaching and engaging with its community. A well-designed website serves as a virtual doorway, welcoming both existing members and newcomers alike. However, merely having a website isn’t enough; it’s essential to ensure that your online platform effectively communicates your church’s mission and values. Here are some…

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