Let’s Talk About Talking: Three Surprising Ways to Fulfill Your Mission More Effectively

Everyone knows communication is important. If you look at your bookshelf right now, I’d be willing to guess that you have at least three books on communication. You might have even read at least one of them. There are workshops about communication, blog posts about communication, podcasts about communication, assessments to gauge effective communication, and…

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God’s Vision vs. Our Own Aspirations in Ministry

A friend of mine once did mission work in a country where Christianity was a small, struggling presence. His role was to mentor local pastors, and during one conversation, they asked about his home church in the U.S. At the time, my friend’s church was in transition—they didn’t have a senior pastor. When he explained…

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Moving Forward: Breaking Free from Nostalgia in Ministry

A friend of mine often says, “When we have more memories than dreams, we’re in trouble.” It’s a phrase I love because it challenges us to focus on the future rather than getting stuck in the past. This is especially relevant for ministries, where the pull of tradition, nostalgia, or “the way things have always been” can…

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3 Ways to Reignite your Organization’s Original Vision

reignite your organizationals original vision

Most nonprofits are initially built around someone’s vision to accomplish something that seems impossible. When people start organizations, when they pioneer down the path of this new venture, there are no restrictions in their mind. There’s simply a burning desire in their heart that says we’re going to make this big difference in the world,…

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