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Does Your Organization Want to Change the World?

So you want to change the world? Me too. I used to think it was a nice thing to say or aspire to, but over the years it has become a driving force in what motives me personally and professionally. I’m our idealist, where some tend to be our realists.

I grew up in a home where serving others was part of our family and church culture. This was a great model for doing good and setting a foundation of faith and values. It showed me need is everywhere. There were always many opportunities to help, to share, to give, to support, and to encourage. It was easy to see things from an idealistic perspective and make the assumption that everyone should have the same perspective I did. I was convinced that anyone had the potential to make a huge difference.

Unfortunately, over the years, I’ve come to a realization: most people don’t see the world the way I saw it then. Most people are cynical, too busy, distracted, selfish.

It’s easy for people to get so caught up in the routine of life that they miss what’s real around them. The beauty of the simple things. The special moments that matter. The pain experienced by those oppressed. The loss and shame that overshadows so many who are silent. The depravity of what seems socially acceptable.

So many of the things we value are lost in the chaos of our culture. So many of the things we would find wrong, sad or disgusting are discounted as true problems and relegated to being the business of people behind the scenes. Most people either don’t realize which needs exist, or don’t believe they can do anything about them, so they continue about their lives, content with the path they have set for themselves.

This has to change. This has to be different. This has to matter. There has to be a way to break through the cynicism, the distractions, and the busyness so that more people can be reached and more needs can be met. There has to be a way to encourage people to become hopeful… to become inspired so they realize that they can make a difference. They can become part of this change.

I believe in this kind of change, and I am convinced that there are others who feel the same. At Keenly, we want to come alongside like-minded leaders and organizations who are trying to make things better and provide creative resources and tools to help them engage the right people more effectively… To help them educate their audience about the needs they are striving to meet, and to empower their observers to become supporters.

That’s what I’m about. More to come….

Written By:

Jason Lehman

Lead Strategist & Founder
Jason writes and consults in a variety of areas including: Communication Strategy, Perception Studies, Brand Strategy, Donor Strategy

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