Can I make a confession? Okay, here goes…
I am a fanatical proponent of the Oxford Comma. It truly irritates me if I see printed material that contains lists, series, accounts, or inventories without the Oxford Comma. It just makes so much sense to adopt its use. For example, what makes more sense:
“I would like to thank my parents, Matthew McConaughey and Taylor Swift.”
“I would like to thank my parents, Matthew McConaughey, and Taylor Swift.”
And I am not alone in this passionate defense of the Oxford Comma… the internet is filled with memes, online communities, and social media pages dedicated to its importance. While the Oxford Comma is a minor, yet debated, element in English grammar, correct spelling and grammar hold an undebatable importance in any ministry context.
For some of you reading this post, the above statement is as obvious as the fact that I am bald, but for most of you, understanding why correct spelling and grammar has value is difficult to grasp. So, how can spelling and grammar make a difference in your ministry? Let me give you points to consider:
First, early impressions matter!
Every person that comes through your doors, checks out your social media, or lands on your website is secretly making judgments about your trustworthiness, competency, and professionalism. They want to know if your ministry is being run by people whose words can be trusted. They want to know if your ministry can protect their kids. They want to know if your ministry lives out what it says.
In 2017, a White House press statement about President Trump’s visit to Israel said he would be looking to “promote the possibility of a lasting peach”. While this typo may seem like a minor mistake, it became cannon fodder for the media who proceeded to mock the person who made the unfortunate accident. It made the White House team look unintelligent. One of the signals that sends up “red flags” about your ministry is poor spelling and grammar. After all, if your ministry cannot take the time to correctly spell words and use proper grammar, can that ministry be trusted to invest their time in the matters that hold the greatest importance?
Second, clear communication matters!
Most ministries communicate constantly. Whether it is written word, verbal, video, audio, or some other form of communication, it is a foundational element of a ministry’s existence. I believe that everyone would agree that communication is meant to be understandable, but when a ministry misspells words or uses improper grammar it creates confusion and uncertainty about the message that the ministry is attempting to convey.
In 2024, the Movie, Wicked, was released and along with it were a line of dolls made by Mattel. An incorrect website was printed on the back of the packaging of these dolls. This particular mistake took kids and parents to an explicit website, enraged parents and influencers causing a public relations nightmare for Mattel. Simple misspelling, poor grammar, or mistakes can be easily misunderstood to create a differing message than was intended, or can have disastrous consequences.
Third, your ministry’s credibility matters!
People will pay attention to how your ministry presents itself. It is the little things that begin building credibility in the eyes of those exploring your ministry. Spelling and grammatical errors can send the message that your ministry is not serious about its mission.
It is no secret that people tend to check out a ministry’s website before they engage in a meaningful way with that ministry. If your website contains misspelled words and/or poor grammar, it creates an impression that you are not a credible source for the spiritual needs that people are seeking out. If a person doubts your ministry’s credibility, they will simply move on the to the next ministry website.
So, how can you ensure that you are keeping your spelling and grammar in check? Use a word processor that checks for this. Ask someone to proofread your written communications and website. Utilize AI as a proofreader. Whatever method you use, i hoap thta youre comunicasion is cleer professionl an maks a grate ferst impersion,

Written By:
Chad Murrell
Director of Coaching
Chad writes and consults in a variety of areas including:
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