Mission Drift: How Nonprofits Lose Focus and How to Prevent It

The concept of mission drift is something that many nonprofit leaders become aware of, but often only after it’s too late. So, how does an organization that begins with a clear vision veer off course? Let’s break it down through a hypothetical example and explore how mission drift can occur—and more importantly, how you can…

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Moving Forward: Breaking Free from Nostalgia in Ministry

A friend of mine often says, “When we have more memories than dreams, we’re in trouble.” It’s a phrase I love because it challenges us to focus on the future rather than getting stuck in the past. This is especially relevant for ministries, where the pull of tradition, nostalgia, or “the way things have always been” can…

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Transformational vs. Transactional Growth: Your church needs both.

I have worked full-time in ministry for 12 years, and this question/debate always comes up in staff meetings and brainstorms: How do we minimize transactional growth and excel in transformational growth? Before we go any further, let’s define our terminology. Transactional growth is adding members to your church through performance-oriented programs and strategies. Transformational growth…

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What Does Success Look Like in Ministry Today

The concept of success in ministry is as diverse as the organizations and leaders carrying out God’s work. Ask one pastor, and they might define success as filling a mega-church every Sunday. Talk to a leader of a small parachurch organization working behind the scenes, and their view might be entirely different. This variance is…

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How Can We Improve Internal Communication in Our Staff?

 In the intricate ecosystem of an organization, effective internal communication serves as an essential component, ensuring seamless operations and fostering a collaborative environment. However, achieving optimal internal communication isn’t just about sending emails or hosting meetings; it’s about cultivating a culture where information flows freely, ideas are shared openly, and every member of the staff…

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How Can we Better Equip our Welcome Team at Church?

First impressions matter significantly. For many individuals, stepping into a church for the first time can be a nerve-wracking experience. Will they feel welcomed? Will they find what they’re looking for? These questions often swirl in the minds of newcomers. As a congregation, it’s our responsibility to ensure that the answer to these questions is…

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